VAL D'ORCIA On My Mind : The new photo archive. > Discover more                                                                                                                                                         VAL D'ORCIA On My Mind : The new photo archive. > Discover more

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The natural evolution of the valley, together with the cultural identity of the community that has lived there for centuries: The Val d’Orcia Park is a World Heritage site. What makes the Val d’Orcia so unique is the common vision of the realities present – the councils of Castiglione d’Orcia, Montalcino, Pienza, Radicofani and San Quirico d’Orcia.

Discovering the Val d’Orcia

Thermal bath


On My Mind

The history and places of the Val d’Orcia
Enter our digital photographic archives

Discovering the World Heritage Site

Val d’Orcia On My Minds is the digital photographic archives of the Val d’Orcia Park where you can retrace how the landscape has developed and transformed in harmony with the work of the inhabitants of the five councils. A relationship between man and nature culminating in the artistic, natural and cultural beauty since recognised by UNESCO.


The Val d’Orcia Park of Art, Nature and Culture is a UNESCO World Heritage Site as cultural landscape.

This recognition was assigned in 2004 by the World Heritage Committee for the excellent state of conservation of the landscape, thanks to intelligent intervention by mankind, and for the inspiration it gave to artists during the Renaissance.

MORE - parco della val d'orcia

Legge 20 febbraio 2006, n.77
Misure speciali di tutela e fruizione dei siti italiani di interesse culturale, paesaggistico e ambientale, inseriti nella “lista del partrimonio mondiale” posti sotto la tutela dell’UNESCO”